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| Thu Apr 5, 2007 Education Instant Messaging Utility Debuts In China K-12 Market
| E-learning innovator, Chinese Education Resources Inc. announces launch of
China's first education-based instant messaging system for teachers
VANCOUVER, BC -- April 5, 2007 -- Vancouver-based, China Education Resources Inc. (CER, the Company) (TSX-V: CHN) successfully launched China's first vertical educational instant messaging utility on Friday March 30, 2007, making it possible for kindergarten through twelfth grade teachers throughout China to connect to a vast array of educational resources using state-of-the-art technology. As part of China's massive education reform initiative and CER's innovative teacher training program, teachers can now communicate, via Education Messaging (EM), with subject matter experts and other teachers.
The Education Messaging utility is designed to support China's national K-12 education reform initiative by providing the very best learning opportunities for the nation's students. EM helps teachers organize the many resources available to them through CER's internet education portal, CERSP.com (www.cersp.com). In addition to functioning as a standard instant messaging tool, EM will use RSS technology to provide teachers with immediate access to relevant resources.
"We are thrilled to be in a position to provide China's teachers with the technological tools to advance the learning capabilities of an entire nation's student population," commented Mr. Chengfeng Zhou, Chairman & CEO of CER. "It is our goal to continue the development of new versions of EM with planned feature upgrades that include video teleconferencing, off-line message management and additional enhanced features."
Education Messaging is also designed to help teachers find learning opportunities and materials which support their professional development. For example, teachers registered through the CERSP.com portal for training programs, will be notified by EM about video modules allowing them to view videos related to their program. Additional EM features planned include: an E-classroom module, auto-build of personal and professional social networks, integrated classroom management system, individual upload systems for teachers, and a version of the EM utility designed for students.
Prior to last week's EM debut, in February, CER, in collaboration with China's Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Center (CDC), Apple, Inc., and over 100 national education experts, launched a new online teacher training program to 16,000 primary and junior high school teachers. The CDC and CER used the comprehensive, internet-based educational resource portal, CERSP.com to deliver a teacher training program comprised of 11 courses. On the first day of this program launch, more than 3.5 terabytes (one terabyte is equal to 1,024 gigabytes or one trillion bytes) of learning materials were downloaded by participating teachers. If the downloaded digital materials were rendered as paper, the stack would have stood 231,000 miles high, only 7,000 miles short of reaching the moon. To date, participants of the teacher training program have downloaded 25 terabytes of learning materials through the CERSP.com portal.
To learn more about the EM utility and China Education Resources Inc., visit
www.chinaeducationresources.com or call 604.683.6865.
In collaboration with China's Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Center, China Education Resources Inc., (CER), is helping to transform the curriculum of the world's largest educational system. Recognizing the need for centralization and increased accessibility to address the Chinese Central government's 2000 education reform policy changes, China Education Resource Inc. has created educational tools and curricula for China's entire kindergarten through twelfth grade system. By implementing the government's goal of converting the existing educational system from memory-based learning to creative thinking and utilizing a more interactive approach to embrace a world-based economy, CER has played an integral part in positioning China's educational system to reach new heights.
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