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| Fri May 11, 2007 World Bank Invites China Education Resources Inc. To Speak At International Elearning Conference
| VANCOUVER, BC-- May 11, 2007 -- China Education Resources Inc. (CER, the Company) (TSX-V: CHN) - This year marks the second year eLearning Africa will take place in Nairobi, Kenya. The international conference will focus on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for development, education and training. China will be among the 80 countries represented at the conference. At the invitation of the Tokyo Development Learning Center of the World Bank, Mr. Chengfeng Zhou, CEO & Chairman of Vancouver, British Columbia based China Education Resources Inc. (CER), will be among the four panelists representing China at this international eLearning conference. eLearning Africa will focus on 20 different themes throughout the 2007 conference. Topics include: research in eLearning, quality development and quality assurance, designing and delivering online learning, policy issues and large-scale take-up of eLearning.
"What makes CER attending this event so special is that we will be the only private sector organization presenting at the conference Special Focus Session, "eLearning for Development -- China's Experience"," says Mr. Chengfeng Zhou, Chairman & CEO of CER. "It is an honor that the World Bank recognized our company to join other leaders in education representing China at this event. We are looking forward to sharing what CER, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, has accomplished and has planned for the K-12 education system throughout China with other innovators in the eLearning industry."
Additional panelists representing China at eLearning Africa include: Mr. Jun Han, National Center for Education Technology, Ministry of Education; Mr. Xuezhen Sun, National Development & Reform Commission; Ms. Sheng Li, Tsinghua University.
CER is eager to continue to collaborate with China's Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Center (CDC) focusing on the kindergarten through twelfth grade educational system, which currently encompasses 230 million students, 12 million teachers and 600,000 schools. CER is on track to becoming the world's largest provider of online educational and administrative services to the kindergarten through twelfth grade market. CER, through its Chinese operating subsidiary, Today's Teachers Technology & Culture Ltd., and the CDC have developed China's first comprehensive Web-based educational resource portal, China Education Resources and Services Platform (CERSP.com).
CER, in collaboration with CDC, Apple, Inc., and over 100 national education experts, recently launched a new online teacher training program to 16,000 primary and junior high school teachers. The CDC and CER used the comprehensive, internet-based educational resource portal, CERSP.com to deliver a teacher training program comprised of 11 courses. On the first day of this program launch, more than 3.5 terabytes (one terabyte is equal to 1,024 gigabytes or one trillion bytes) of learning materials were downloaded by participating teachers. If the downloaded digital materials were rendered as paper, the stack would have stood 231,000 miles high, only 7,000 miles short of reaching the moon. From February 1 through May 9, participants of the teacher training program have downloaded 110 terabytes of learning materials through the CERSP.com portal.
On March 31, 2007, CER successfully launched China's first vertical educational instant messaging utility making it possible for kindergarten through twelfth grade teachers throughout China to connect to a vast array of educational resources using state-of-the-art technology. As part of China's massive education reform initiative and CER's innovative teacher training program, teachers can now communicate, via Education Messaging (EM), with subject matter experts and other teachers.
With more than 250 speakers, 49 sessions in seven parallel conference strands, fourteen workshops and a number of exciting new features, eLearning Africa is a forum for all individuals and organizations engaged in the planning and implementation of technology supported learning and training on the African continent. eLearning Africa serves as a unique opportunity for educational decision makers, and public and private educators to gain invaluable insights into the latest activities and achievements from the ever-evolving eLearning world. eLearning Africa is supported by the Honorable Professor George Saitoti, Minister of Education in Kenya, the European Commission, UNEVOC of United Nations, The World Bank and other international and donor organizations already engaged in the field of eLearning.
For more information about this year's conference, visit: www.elearning-africa.com. For more information about CER, visit www.chinaeducationresources.com.
In collaboration with China's Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Center, China Education Resources Inc., (CER), is helping to transform the curriculum of the world's largest educational system. Recognizing the need for centralization and increased accessibility to address the Chinese Central government's 2000 education reform policy changes, China Education Resource Inc. has created educational tools and curricula for China's entire kindergarten through twelfth grade system. By implementing the government's goal of converting the existing educational system from memory-based learning to creative thinking and utilizing a more interactive approach to embrace a world-based economy, CER has played an integral part in positioning China's educational system to reach new heights.
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